Friday, May 12, 2017

Fashion Friday... #BlogPaws Memories

Here's a video I made of our trip to BlogPaws Pet Blogger Conference in Salt Lake City in 2012! It was Coco and my first trip with just the two of us together where we flew and we had a fabulous time!

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And this year, instead of just visiting the Cat Lounge,  Coco and I, along with the rest of my cat family, will be part of the Cat Lounge! 

Yes! Because of the special relationship I have with my cats and the fact they are very social and enjoy traveling and people and dressing up, we have been invited be a part of the best ever Cat Lounge and our little niche is called 'Enhancing the Cat-Human Bond'!

We will have on display many of our favorite travel essentials, from carriers to strollers as well as things that keep us happy, like foraging feeders! Of course, there will be pet fashions, too!

And while we realize that dressing up isn't every cat's cup of catnip tea, attendees to the conference will be able to meet my cats in person and get to know how dressing up and attending fund-raising pet fashion shows plays a big part in our relationship!

If you have never attended a BlogPaws Pet Blogger and Social Media Conference and wonder what it's all about and want to know more about BlogPaws mission and how they help enhance that Animal-Human bond by what they do year around, this article will get you in-the-know!

Coco and I are proud to be part of 'The Most Fun You Can Have While Learning' by attending and being a part of the 2017 BlogPaws Conference. We hope to see you there!


  1. I'm so excited for you and your human, Coco! I'm sure you will wow them at BlogPaws totally!

  2. We love all of Coco's fabulous outfits!

  3. Mom's so excited that your at the confurr-ence. She loves how chic you are! I kiss you from afar, as I am taking care of the petsitter. Winks! -Valentine


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