Coco and I have been as busy as the Coco in The Adventures of Coco le Chat, the World's Most Fashionable Feline! We have had a whirlwind 4 days in New York City, just like the Coco in the book!
We had to visit Macy's, of course! And being stopped by the paparazzi was part of the experience! Found the cutest little memento of our visit, the kid's department but then, there is a bit of kid in all of us as almost everyone loves Hello Kitty, too!
Then Thursday night was our first event! The New York Pet Fashion Show. Before the event, we had a meal at the hotel restaurant, and let the kitties nap in the our room and took Cici for fun!
Then we bundled up the kitties and strollered them down to the Hotel Pennsylania a couple of blocks away. The venue was nice and large, and so was the crowd, who outnumbered the seats and the sound system was so loud, I just kept thinking of how it must be affecting the animals, who can hear so many more times better than we can.
I tried to keep Coco sheltered from the noise, so she didn't get out for photo ops as much as I had hoped, but we met lots of friends, some we had only met online, and that was very special to us!
Coco entered the 70's costume contest, and she had a Rainbow wig from Cushzilla, but I decided not to stress her by having her wear it, but I loved her little wooden flower headband I made for her! And it was fun wearing my mom's burnout velvet dress and accessories, of course, made the ensemble perfect!
The winner of Best In Show was a dazzling couple with their doggie, Sophia, and they were my favorites, too!
Well, that catches everyone up to Thursday night! We will write about our Friday adventures soon!