Saturday, February 14, 2015

Fashion Friday, NYC Late Edition!

Coco and I have been as busy as the Coco in The Adventures of Coco le Chat, the World's Most Fashionable Feline! We have had a whirlwind 4 days in New York City, just like the Coco in the book!

We had to visit Macy's, of course! And being stopped by the paparazzi was part of the experience! Found the cutest little memento of our visit, the kid's department but then, there is a bit of kid in all of us as almost everyone loves Hello Kitty, too!

Then Thursday night was our first event! The New York Pet Fashion Show.  Before the event, we had a meal at the hotel restaurant, and let the kitties nap in the our room and took Cici for fun!

Then we bundled up the kitties and strollered them down to the Hotel Pennsylania a couple of blocks away. The venue was nice and large, and so was the crowd, who outnumbered the seats and the sound system was so loud, I just kept thinking of how it must be affecting the animals, who can hear so many more times better than we can.

I tried to keep Coco sheltered from the noise, so she didn't get out for photo ops as much as I had hoped, but we met lots of friends, some we had only met online, and that was very special to us!

Coco entered the 70's costume contest, and she had a Rainbow wig from Cushzilla, but I decided not to stress her by having her wear it, but I loved her little wooden flower headband I made for her! And it was fun wearing my mom's burnout velvet dress and accessories, of course, made the ensemble perfect!

The winner of Best In Show was a dazzling couple with their doggie, Sophia, and they were my favorites, too!

Well, that catches everyone up to Thursday night! We will write about our Friday adventures soon!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wordless Wednesday, Coco Arrives in NYC!

Getting out of town with Coco means Coco has more luggage than me! And that was increased as we are off to New York Pet Fashion Week, and one has to be Dressed to Impress!

We are traveling with another Fashionista Cat, Moshe Moshi of the blog Naked and Hungry. He has the lean, mean city persona, with a little Steampunk thrown in...

We got settled in our room,  went out for dinner while the cats caught up on their beauty sleep, then went down to the lobby to schmooze with some of the Westminster Dog Show people and dogs that are staying here!

Pet Fashion Week is the start of all the furtastic Pre-Westminster festivities and fundraising galas! We arrived yesterday ~ 5pm and are staying at the New Yorker, and are leaving on Sunday morning.  We have Thursday and Friday daytime pretty free, so will go by Macy's with the cats and are thinking about going to FIT to see the Disco Fashion Exhibit on Friday! 

Thursday night we have the Pet Fashion Show at the Pennsylvania from 6-10pm. We stopped by there today, just to get the lay of the land...

Friday night we have Doggies and Tiaras from 6-10pm. Saturday, we have the Celebrity Cat Walk Fire & Ice brunch from 11-2 and then The Rose & Kismet's Pug Wedding at night from 6-10p. 

I am here with Carol Meir and her Sphynx, we thought we had a room with a separate bedroom so we could keep the cats separated, but alas, it's not. Fortunately, we brought our pet tents and are rotating who is out and who is confined. I hope it's not too stressful for them. This will be 5 days of activity for them and I worry about their stress level. 

I am using Jackson Galaxy's Spirit Essences Stress Stopper and Feliway and watching Coco closely. She had a pancreatitis attack back in November and though I am not sure what brought it on, she had 2 public appearances in a couple of days and wonder if it was some treat she ate or stress-related.

Watch this Blog for updates and photos! We will do our best to blog in the midst of this whirlwind of activity! Not sure if we can fit in Blog Hopping though, but it's the #BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop, so join in if you can!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday Mewsings

Two days from now, Coco and I will be heading up to NYC for Pet Fashion Week and we are so excited! 

The festivities begin with The New York Pet Fashion Show, which benefits The Mayor's Alliance of NYC, a coalition of more than 150 rescue groups and shelters. The theme this year is a 'Rescue Revolution, Peace Love & Animal Rescue' and is a tribute to the 60's and 70's in fashion, music and attitude.  It will feature 3 runway shows: Rescues on the Runway, Designer Retro Couture and a 60's & 70's costume contest, which is open to the public. 

and here is a peek at part of Coco's outfit for the costume contest!

Then on Friday, it's Doggies and Tiaras! The NYC Doggies and Tiaras Pageant benefits Yorkie 911 Rescue group. Twenty dogs will compete in categories such as active-wear, talent and glamour, to be crowned King and Queen of 'Doggies and Tiaras 2015'.  Celebrity guests will judge the pageant for fantastic prizes, to support a charitable cause. Coco didn't enter this contest, but we will be happy to just watch and mingle!  

Here's a little glimpse of part of Coco's dazzling number for Doggies & Tiaras!

And on Saturday, two fabulous events, Celebrity Catwalk's Fire & Ice Gala to support animal welfare agencies. This exciting event will have in attendance several television personalities for a glamorous afternoon brunch!

Here's a peek at part of Coco's ensemble for Fire & Ice! 

And in the evening... it's Rose & Kismet's wedding! The Valentine's Day wedding is a fundraiser for Pugs For Pinky,  a 501(c)(3)non-profit foundation started in 2012 by Lisa Kerner and Nancy Metzger to help sick Pugs and their people with high medical costs.

Coco is going to wear the very elegant Belle Diva Couture ensemble she wore to the WiggleButt Wedding, the fundraiser for OBG Cocker Rescue, where she met Paul Nathan, the photographer who captured her essence with his camera for the book, The Adventures of Coco le Chat, The World's Most Fashionable Feline! And Coco will join the other vendors at the wedding and be there pawtographing books available for purchase, and a portion of each sale will go to Pugs for Pinky!

Last weekend we were up in Edison, NJ as we had been invited to judge the Super Pet Expo Best Dressed Pet contest, thanks to our friends, Robbin and Joseph Everett of and Pets Teach Us  So Much blog. 

Robbin and Joseph were so very nice to give Coco and I a space at their booth to promote the book featuring Coco, The Adventures of Coco le Chat, The World's Most Fashionable Feline and in turn, Coco attracted quite a lot of attention at their booth!

Robbin said she could have sold Coco's Sleepypod, her bedazzled sunglasses, and her blinged out stroller, too! We only sold 1 copy of the book, but we had a fab time and Robbin and Joseph gifted us with a stylish leather pet carrier for being there, and we gave them a pawtographed copy of The Adventures for being so nice for inviting us up and letting us share their space!

While Coco relaxed in the hotel room after the show, I found a great place for a pizza nearby, Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza and had a sample of their wings, before deciding on their Roasted Cauliflower Pizza and then Cheesecake for dessert! 

We slept in Sunday and I let Coco catch up on her beauty sleep with I worked on her blog and gave myself a manipedi. We will both have a very busy week and we need to pace ourselves and I don't want Coco to be stressed to the point of having another bout of pancreatitis! I am going to use Jackson Galaxy's Spirit Essences Stress Stopper while we are away, wiping it on her fur (and maybe some will help me, too!

We hit the road on Wednesday, and our friend Carol and her kitty Moshe Moshi, from the blog Naked and Hungry, are going with us, and we will both be posting photos and updates on FB and Twitter while we are away, so stay tuned in!