Friday, August 22, 2014

Fashion Friday...a Tribute To Sparkle #sparklecat

Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun. Shine on, you crazy diamond...

Sparkle's style shone brightly, glinting in the sun like her brilliant copper fur...

She guided Coco and I with her wisdom and wit...and I have a feeling that she will be there, looking over our shoulder as we blog and at our personal appearances.

We will put one paw in front of the other...going on ahead without her, Sparkle, the Designer Cat

I want to remember her today without sadness, by sharing a few of her sage words of advice for Coco and I...

You know how it is - we divas don't like sharing the spotlight!

If you don't watch your figure, no one else will!

My HUMAN wants a dress like that! I told her it does not come in her size.

For the cats and humans around the globe, we are honoring Sparkle's memory with a gathering of remembrances, via this Linky List. Please join us in this special endeavor...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Beauty Sleep...

Then a little snack...

Followed by a night on the town?

A girl has to be ready for anything, at a moment's notice!

Coco and I have plans to attend Wags 'n Whiskers in Shirlington this Saturday, so keep an eye out for us!

And since it's Wednesday, you know what to do! Hop Hop!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday Mewsings...

This IS Coco's page, but as you might have noticed, her mother keeps popping in to show, at 14 years old, she still knows how to strut her stuff! I hope for just as long and fashionable life with Coco!

Today when I went to work, with Kely along as I try to do almost every weekday (and of course, post her Weekday Kely pix to Facebook) I was in for a big surprise from one of my coworkers!

She made Kely a Kimono! The photos just don't do it justice, all the fine details and delicate stitching!

Fortunately, Kely and Coco can share outfits, and so here's a photo of Coco wearing the lovely kimono, too!

Anna has begun to work on a gown for Coco, as she is attending the Wigglebutt's Go HollyWoof! in September...we are very excited to see what magic she works with the fabrics, ribbons and jewels we gave her!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Fashion Friday...Outtakes

As any photographer knows, for every good photos, there are dozens of rejects...
But Coco's pix that end up in the circular file often show the real Coco, hahameow!

I keep saying I am going to clicker train her, so I can get her to look at the camera (which would also be helpful when the paparazzi are surrounding her, trying to get her to look in their direction!).

And like any model, she is full of sass when she's had enough! Or maybe she's just asking for some caviar and a little bubbly!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday Mewsings

Coco didn't even have to go out of the house to go Out & About this weekend! 

We had a photo shoot to support Sophie Gamand's project,  Pit Bull Flower Power and Coco was the first feline photo submitted! 

She was wearing a flower wreath just like the one all the young girls (and Mike) wore when I married him in our Summer of Love 2000 ceremony!

That photo got her on BuzzFeed! Here's the link to the article and photos: 

Then I had the not-to-bright idea of trying a Mother-Daughter photo shoot with Coco and Kely and that turned into a claws out hissfest. Posing next to each other was just too much to ask!

So today, I took Coco into work with me and did a shoot with her wearing the same dress Kely did last week and set up in the same spots. Those of you who don't follow us on Facebook miss out on my Week Day Kely photos taken at Just Cats Clinic and around the lovely Lake Anne Plaza.

It's been great fun, and makes me smile to see Kely, who is 14 years old and had never dressed up until a few months ago, pull it all off with an ageless grace, don't you think?

So, instead of the Mother-Daughter photo session, here is a collage of the photos of Coco and Kely and I think they turned out well, don't you?

That's Coco on the left, and Kely on the right.

They look very similar in these photos, but they do have their subtle differences, not only in age!

Coco weighs 7.5# and Kely 5.5#. Coco's color is Brown Patched Tabby and Kely's a Brown Mackerel Tabby. And Coco is almost 9 years old and Kely just turned 14! 

But as you can see, they are also very alike in their sweet personalities and a flair for fashion!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Coco's fabulous marcelled fur is often covered up with clothing in her photos...

Although she has done a few tasteful nude photo shoots...when she's out in public,
she's always dressed to the 9's!

And it's already Hump Day, so don't forget to Hop!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday Mewsings

Coco hasn't been out & about lately, so pulling something out of one of her lovely hats... 

Here's a video I made of our trip to BlogPaws Pet Blogger Conference in Salt Lake City in 2012! It was our first trip together where we flew and we had a fabulous time!

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