Friday, March 28, 2014

Fashion Friday! #BlogPaws Style

I'm organizing Coco's wardrobe for the BlogPaws Conference next month...I may have to check an extra bag, just for her clothes, necklaces, leads and shoes!

Here's the hat I got to go with her 'Las Vegas' outfit, what do you think?

By the way, it's only 39 days til the BlogPaws Conference. If you are still 'On The Fence' about attending, all the Best Dressed Pets will be there, and what's not to like about that! Maybe watching this video from last years conference will help convince you it's the most fun on two OR four legs ever!


To read more about the conference, the speakers and the Red Carpet awards ceremony, visit the BlogPaws Conference Page!



  1. Marylin: Iz lovez Cocoz hat. Hooman sayz shez making mez Laz Vegaz drezzez butz Iz noz haz da waredrobe Cocoz haz.


Coco loves to hear from her fans, so make her purr by leaving a comment!