Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Blogging Again! #BlogPaws 2018!

After an almost one year hiatus (that's a fancy word for only microblogging), what gets Coco's Personal Assistant (me) energized to write again? It's going to a BlogPaws conference!

This is #BlogPaws 10th Anniversary Pet Blogger & Social Media Conference and it's the 9th one I have attended. I say it's the most fun you can have while learning and being here with the animal advocate attendees is so energizing! 

Friendships forged online are strengthened by meeting in person, and attending this conference has been part of my vacation plans every year! This year, Coco and I flew to Kansas City MO and we had a smooth, uneventful flight!

From the nice Uber driver who lugged my two 48# suitcases (one for me and one for Coco!) into the terminal, to the Southwest Airline counter person who helped roll them to the counter while I pushed Coco along in her Pink Catillac, to the SW employee who delivered my laptop to me (I had left it on the plane!) before I had even left the arrival area!

This was Coco's first trip in her new A Pet With Paws Madison carrier (#apetwithpaws) and it was purrfect! It's a nice size, so very stylish and so versatile with the PetTrek rolling cart that meshes seamlessly with the carrier!

 It's a great product, and I even have a matching purse! 

At every #BlogPaws Conference, Coco has a reputation to uphold as "The World's Most Fashionable Feline" and this year her wardrobe is even more stellar! So much to choose from, it was hard to pick just the "Three Costume Changes" each day I had planned...

So her suitcase was filled with 19 costumes, along with coordinating hats and leashes, and yes, wigs!

While I was arranging the room, Coco took a cat nap and then we rolled out to meet up with friends who have arrived at the #SheratonCrownCenter a day early like we did...

For dinner, a friend and I (and Coco) ate in the hotel restaurant/gastropub and I had a fantastic avocado bacon burger and onion rings and a 'flight' of local microbrews!  

Then we went up to our room and I put together the micro swag bags I bring for friends at every BlogPaws conference.

I am afraid of oversleeping and am so hyped for the upcoming trips, and I had not slept the night before our trip, but stayed up packing like I usually do when I'm heading west. So last night, I was happy to have a great night of sleep without waking up once (same for Coco) and this is the dawn I woke up to on Wednesday morning! We have a great view from our room on the 26th floor!

And while you may wonder why I am posting this next photo of Coco's 'powder room' but at the BlogPaws Conference last year, some inconsiderate attendees failed to clean up after their pets and BlogPaws had to pay $3000 in cleaning and damage fees! 

When I travel with Coco, I bring clean up supplies--dustpan, mini sweeper, gallon ziploc bags to dispose of used litter to keep odors down. I even bring cleaning rags and spray to clean up the bathroom floor or any 'accidents'. That is just the responsible thing to do!!

So, it's mid-morning Wednesday now and time to go down and register and pick up the reknowned BlogPaws Swag Bag, so watch for our next post and photos!


  1. You and Coco are SO prepared! I may not have as much wardrobe, but my human's litter box routine for my trips is pretty similar to yours.

    1. Coco and I are purroud to call you Friends! As I always say, responsible pet owners are responsible in all areas of their lives, including cleaning up after their pets!

  2. We purromise we will! We'll miss your presence, though!

  3. How did I miss the fact that the gastropub had a flight offering? I love flights! I am so glad you are back to blogging too. I just love how you have decorated the stroller and the gift bags look purrfect!

  4. You are top cat scouts. You are so prepared! It was good to see you too and I am glad I got ti sit down with you for a chat!

  5. It is official, Coco had a bigger wardrobe than I did and I was there for nearly a week

  6. Coco, you were prepared for your big trip. That wardrobe looks to be bigger than all of us here at the whole office here. Hope it was a wonderful time with seeing all your furry friends. Thanks for the share. Have a great weekend.
    World of Animals


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