
Friday, February 12, 2016

Fashion Friday

Coco the Cornish Rex cat in NYC Fashion Show

One year ago, Coco and I were in New York City, participating in The New York Pet Fashion Show and while I did blog about it at the time, , over the past year, a number of photos of Coco appeared on the internet, and I thought I would share those today.

Coco the Cornish Rex cat in NYC Pet Fashion Show

The theme last year was Peace, Love & Animal Rescue, and Coco and I dressed the part and participated in the costume contest, too!

NYC Pet Fashion Show 2015 poster

There were many other events to attend, including Doggies and Tiaras pageant and a Pug wedding!

Coco the Cornish Rex cat and her pink Catillac

It was an experience that we'll never forget, and even Coco's Cuddle Clone, Cici, filled in for Coco from time-to-time, at restaurants and museums!

Coco's Cuddle Clone at the NYC FIT Museum

Teri and Coco's Cuddle Clone at lunch

CiCi, Coco the Cornish Rex cat's Cuddle Clone in a NYC taxi

We have enjoyed watching the videos and seeing the photos turning up online of our friends who are up in NYC this weekend, and if you'd like to see some of the 2016 event, just follow this link!

NYC Pet Fashion Show 2016 poster


Coco loves to hear from her fans, so make her purr by leaving a comment!